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هل تستطيع العيش بدون الانترنت؟


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Hello and welcome intrnet

A survey of 16 to 24 year olds by the online youth charity YouthNet has found that 75% of them feel that they "couldn't live" without the internet.

The report also found out that four out of five young people use the internet to look for advice.

About one third added that they felt no need to talk to a person face to face about their problems because of the resources available online.

Despite high-profile examples of internet security breaches, such as email scams, 76% of the survey group thought the internet was a safe place "as long as you know what you're doing".

Open University psychologist Graham Jones said that he thinks "children, teenagers and people under their mid-20s have grown up with technology and they understand it deeply".

We asked students in London if they could survive without the internet.

One of them said that he couldn't survive without the internet at all and without the internet he just wouldn't be himself.

Another said that he could live without the internet, but why would he want to?

The survey, funded by the Nominet Trust - a charity that encourages the safe use of the internet - looked at how the web influences the well-being of people aged between 16 and 24.

The author of the report, Professor Michael Hulme of Lancaster University, said that for young people "the internet is part of the fabric of their world and does not exist in isolation from the physical world."

What the internet means to you. Can you live without it? Write to us in English!

Comment (1)

I can not live without the Internet, because it has become part of me and my personal life, became now has many friends around the world, and study and translate books and get references and many lessons through the Internet, ... Nice to large online community, there everywhere, and anywhere in the world can access it, and at times make him accompany me

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