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Why they turned to the Islamic religion?


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I got to know of your site through a link from another site,,,, read all the Ketbtonp about Islam and Christianity, but unfortunately I'm not saying you are wrong, but are not aware of anything about Islam, and Islamic teachings, simply and clearly the issue in the short cut a few lines, namely, any Christian that Jesus is not the messenger, but it is the Son of God, came the Koran Surah faithfulness God said ( " قُلْ هُوَ اللَّه أَحَد اللَّه الصَّمَد لَمْ يَلِد وَلَمْ يُولَد وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُ كُفُوًا أَحَد "), What does this mean, that God is one, no evidence has been born because it is not something born, and did not have similar or justice is not nothing like Him.

How Jesus is the Son of God, the Lord, Jesus calls us not only to the work of righteousness, but to change our hearts so that what we love the work of righteousness. It is a miracle in the life of every person who puts his confidence in the perfections of Christ, and thus can be "born again" the birth of the spiritual, Vnasir within the household of God. This miracle has occurred in the lives of millions of people throughout history, who have been placed Halkin sinners, God loved the people, by force and the work of the Holy Spirit.

Did you know that there are many celebrities in the world Keep Developing to Islam?I'm not showing off to them, but proud of them,,, you know knows.

cat stevens,





Yusuf Islam (born Steven Demetre Georgiou, 21 July 1948), best known by his former stage name Cat Stevens, is a British musician. He is a singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, educator, philanthropist and prominent convert to Islam.

His albums Tea for the Tillerman and Teaser and the Firecat were both certified as Triple Platinum by the RIAA in the United States; his album Catch Bull at Four sold half a million copies in the first two weeks of release alone, and was Billboard's number-one LP for three consecutive weeks. He has also earned two ASCAP songwriting awards in consecutive years, for "The First Cut Is the Deepest", which has been a hit single for four different artists.

Stevens converted to Islam at the height of his fame in December, 1977,[2] and adopted his Muslim name, Yusuf Islam, the following year. In 1979 he auctioned all his guitars away for charity[3] and left his music career to devote himself to educational and philanthropic causes in the Muslim community. He has been given several awards for his work in promoting peace in the world, including 2003's World Award, the 2004 Man for Peace Award and the 2007 Mediterranean Prize for Peace. In 2006, he returned to pop music, with his first album of new pop songs in 28 years, entitled An Other Cup. He now goes by the single name Yusuf.

He currently lives with his wife and children in London, and spends part of each year in Dubai.


United States ..

Muhammad Ali .. I pray to God before the beginning of the game

After winning the championship from Liston in 1964, Clay revealed that he was a member of the Nation of Islam (often called the Black Muslims at the time) and the Nation gave Clay the name Cassius X, discarding his surname as a symbol of his ancestors' enslavement, as had been done by other Nation members. On Friday, March 6, 1964, Malcolm X took Clay on a guided tour of the United Nations building (for a second time). Malcolm X announced that Clay would be granted his "X." That same night, Elijah Muhammad recorded a statement over the phone to be played over the radio that Clay would be renamed Muhammad (one who is worthy of praise) Ali (fourth rightly guided caliph). Only a few journalists (most notably Howard Cosell) accepted it at that time. Venerable boxing announcer Don Dunphy addressed the champion by his adopted name, as did British reporters. The adoption of this name symbolized his new identity as a member of the Nation of Islam.

for more info about him


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Al i


www.ali.com Official website


for more about islam



Brother Mustafa Abdullah,

 website :http://www.brothermustafa.com






Tempe, United States



Marital Status:


My name is Brother Mustafa Abdullah, but I was not always known by this, rather it was a name given to me by the detainees in Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay Cuba. I was born Terry Holdbrooks in Phoenix Arizona, July 7th of 1983. I lived in Arizona most of my childhood and young adult years, only briefly residing in Nevada for a short time. I grew up with my biological parents until the age of seven, when they separated and moved on with their lives, and I moved to my grandparents. I lived an average American boy’s life, school, video games, my bike, etc. I came to understand quickly in school that I was not receiving an honest education; honest in respects to what has really happened in history, and what we teach our youth in America. As a result I spent a good deal of time reading and studying on my own as a child and young adult, not playing sports or being Mr. Popular. I wouldn’t say that I was a social outcast, but I was certainly different from those I went to school with, and always have (s/b have always had) had my opinions about the world around me. 

I was the type of student that would argue with teachers because they were wrong, or were not teaching us a proper perspective of history and education. I thrived off the teachers that would argue with me, and encourage deeper studying and thought, they are the far and few (the few and far between). I graduated early, and did not want to end up like my parents have, not that they were bad people, simply that I simply wanted more out of life. After a brief stint in a trade school, I enlisted in the United States Army, to better myself, my family, and my country. I didn’t know at the time that Allah has a plan for us all, and he is the best of planners, rather it was something I would come to discover in my time in service. I say that I didn’t know at the time because I was not raised as a Muslim, I wasn’t raised as anything to be honest. There was no strong presence of faith in my home, my parents were not entirely involved in it when I was young, and my grandparents left it up to me to find faith as a young adult. I married shortly into my career in the Army, and then was told I was going to Guantanamo Bay. I had not heard of GTMO yet, it was not in the news everyday at this point in time, and I did not think to look it up or research about it, I was more concerned about spending what time I had left with my wife before I had to go. This ill prepared situation was a blessing in disguise, due to it leaving me with an open mind and perspective on what reality would be in GTMO. 

The Army fed me the propaganda they do, but anyone with half a brain could see through it and know better, I would hope. I arrived in GTMO and was in a complete state of culture shock. Languages I had never heard of or heard spoken, people from societies and cultures thousands of miles from my home, and a faith I had not seen practiced in my life. Faith is what stood out the most to me, here is a group of people, over 700 strong, and they are devout to their faith, not like we are in the states, with our salad bar approach to the divine. We take what we want from faith and leave what we don’t, and to see it practiced and accepted as it was written was a new experience to me all together. My open mind served me well in GTMO, as it allowed for me to have an interest in learning the lives and cultures, the languages, and eventually, inshAllah, Islam. What I saw in GTMO changed my life forever, and in the best of ways. Now I too am a practicing Muslim, living here in America, and speaking out about an issue we as a nation have failed to address. GTMO is a justification for Al Qaeda, The Taliban, Mujahedeen, and all the rest to exist, because we have sunk to their level. Having left the military, and GTMO, I am now a writer, and a speaker, a member of the Muslim community, and still an American. Some may choose to call me a “Traitor”, but my only rebuttal to that is “Have you yourself served for our country”? I do not only speak out in regards to GTMO, but also Islamic awareness and necessity for community, and education as well. We as brothers and sisters need to strengthen our community and relations with none Muslims across the nation, and we as Americans need to take a critical evaluation upon our educational system. Upon a further inspection I am confident that we will all see matters that need to be reformed so that our future generations grow up to be smarter and more aware of the world they live in, and so that we can stop inheriting our fathers wars.

Sami Yusuf,



Sami Yusuf is a British singer-songwriter, composer, producer and accomplished musician.

He was born in July 1980 into a musical family of Azeri origin, learning to play several instruments at a very young age and demonstrating a keen interest in singing and composing. He studied music at several institutions and with renowned composers and musicians including composers from the Royal Academy of Music in London, one of the world’s most prestigious music institutions. In addition to his education in Western harmonics and composition, Sami has a solid understanding of the Middle Eastern modes (or Maqams) and is thoroughly acquainted and familiar with both East and Western musical traditions.

Since 2003, Sami’s debut album ‘al-Mu’allim’ and his second album ‘My Ummah’ have sold over five million copies worldwide (with a third album nearing completion). His concerts have attracted huge audiences across the Middle East, Europe and the United States, including a staggering 250,000 attendance in Istanbul. Sami has been featured by Time Magazine and has appeared on the covers of dozens of other mainstream publications around the world. Sami is devoutly spiritual and often uses his art and music as a means of promoting the messages of love, mercy, peace and tolerance, whilst encouraging the youth to be proud of their identity.

There are many, many around the world who Tarafo on the Islamic religion and embraced....

thank you so much

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