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Project Financial Management Manual


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Project Financial Management Manual

Purpose of the manual

1-this Exposure drafts is to help improve the financial management of projects funded by the World Bank. The fundamental aim is therefore to improve project management.

It’s also to promote improved compliance with operational policies and bank procedures (op/BP) 10.02 on financial management and to facilitate the use of a new  method of disbursement  introduced  by the world bank , which uses periodic management reports (PMRs) as a basis for  disbursement  . this manual elaborates handbook, annex 6 .

Reference to the OMR models presented in the annex to this manual is therefore strongly recommended.

2. The bank has issued policies and procedures for the guidance of bank and borrower staff on various aspects of financial management.  The bank’s fundamental policies and procedures regarding financial management ……..>>>

For more about this please find

This story is from the Book of transferee

Project Financial Management Manual

loan department the world bank

February 1999

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