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تغيرات وتعديلات وأخبار فى شهادة CMA


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شهادة CMA هى شهادة مهنية للمحاسبين والادارين مقر المعهد بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بعنوان :

© 1997-2008, Institute of Management Accountants, Inc.

10 Paragon Drive, Montvale, NJ 07645-1718
1-800-638-4427 or +1-201-573-9000

ما تم اصدارة من خبر عاجل من معهد (IMA) هو أن الامتحانات أصبحت عبارة عن جزئين (part1,2) ... بدلا من أربعة أجزاء... وهذا ما تم اصدارة من الموقع..

The information below pertains to the current four-part exam format for the CMA program, available for testing through December 31, 2010. Beginning May 1, 2010, ICMA will change the format and curriculum of the CMA exam program. Click here for more information.

As many as 85% of accountants today work inside organizations, where expertise in decision support, planning, and control over value-adding operations are crucial elements of operational success. In earning the CMA, you will have mastered a comprehensive body of knowledge directly related to operational and strategic management as well as the skills and abilities required to build quality business practices inside organizations.

CMA Program Objectives

The CMA Program has four objectives:

  • To establish management accounting as a recognized profession by identifying the role of the management accountant and financial manager, the underlying body of knowledge, and a course of study by which such knowledge is acquired;
  • To encourage higher educational standards in the management accounting field;
  • To establish an objective measure of an individual’s knowledge and competence in the field of management accounting; and
  • To encourage continued professional development by management accountants.

ICMA Vision
To be the resource for developing, certifying, connecting, and supporting the world’s best accountants and financial professionals within business.

ICMA Mission 

To empower accountants and financial professionals to become “trusted business advisors” playing a driving role in their organizations’ business success and advancing their careers.

CMA Webinar Series:

A recorded IMA educational event available FREE and “on demand”. 

Session 1: “How the CMA Can Boost Your Career Development”. Explore the value of the CMA certification in your career development through a variety of professional perspectives. Led by Daniel J. Reichard, CMA, CPA -- CFO of NTM, Inc. with panelists Rachel M. Murphy, CMA -- Senior Accountant at AEGON Insurance Group, Margaret D. Butler, CMA, CPA – Controller and Corporate Secretary/Treasurer at Bostick Brothers, Inc. and William F. Knese, CMA – V.P. and CFO at Angus Industries, Inc. This 20 minute recorded webinar session will give you critical insights into how the CMA credential can position you for career advancement. 

Session 2: TBA. Keep checking in for updates!

Please take a moment to visit the following pages for more details on how you can become certified:

للمزيد من المعلومات والأخبار عن تلك الشهادة 

كلام خبراء فى تلك الشهادة ... 
يقول الأستاذ:




I would have retained the "Financial Accounting and Reporting" subject as part of the material tested on the CMA Exam, as this is where CPA's are believed to be more qualified than CMA's. If this was a deliberate omission of "Financial Accounting and Reporting" (which was used to be tested in Part 2 of the former CMA Exam), was it because the ICMA had decided to totally distinguish the CMA credential from all the other credentials as the best and only designation for "Financial Planning, Financial Controlling, and Financial Management"? I also noted that the Exam had attempted to capture the "Advanced Corporate Finance" subject from the former CFM Exam, correct?

ويقول الأستاذ:

Derek Sloan


I agree they should of retained the Finacial accounting and reporting, also I think they took a step back on not giving test results immediately.

ويقول الأستاذ:

Zeeshan Hanif


I think by removing Financial Accounting and Reporting they will focus on the core of their field and distinguish them self from others because Financial Accounting and Reporting is already covered in CPA, and CPA is soon to be available internationally so there is no reason for testing any material which covered in other exam

Comments (45)

يا جماعة أنا مش فاهم حاجة ....يعنى دلوقتى الشهادة دة أصبحت بارتين ولا اية ...أرجو الرد

اخواني الاعزاء

تم تعديل نظام امتحانات CMA كليا فقد تم تعديل المنهج بطريقة تتواكب مع مطالب سوق العمل

واليكم التفاصيل


أنا عرفت إنه حدث تغيرات جديدة فى نظام شهادة cma
أصبحت عباره عن جزئين فقط لا غير - بدلا" من أربعة أجزاء
لو فيه حد يعرف معلومات عن نظام الإمتحانات والمواعيد الجديدية
ياريت يقولنا
وكل سنه وانتوا طيبين

السلام عليكم جميعا...

أنا عرفت شوية معلومات عن التغيير الجديد فى شهادة CMA

لتقدم للبارت الواحد تغيرت الى 350$ للبرت ولو دخلت فى الجزئين معا ستنخفض الى 300$ للجزء و مده اجتياز الشهادة تغير من اربعة سنوات الى ثلاثة سنوات كمان طرقة الامتحان بقت 100 سؤال اختارى و يجب تجتاز 50% فيها للتحول الى 3 سؤال اخرى على شكل مسائل مع العلم بان امكانية الرجوع للخلف اغلقت اى اى سؤال عدى منك لا يمكن الرجوع له كذلك عدد ساعات الامتحان اصبحت 4 ساعات نتيجة الاختبار لن تحصل عليها فى حينها بل بعد 6 اسابيع من دخولك الامتحان موعيد الامتحانات اصبحت يناير و فبراير و مايو يونيو و ستمبر و اكتوبر

من موقع دليل المحاسبين
CMA New System - 2010
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
كل عام وأنتم بخير

أعلن المعهد الأمريكي للمحاسبين الإداريين IMA عن إجراء تعديلات جديدة في شهادة CMA
وأسفرت هذه التعديلات عن إلغاء الجزء الأول والجزء الرابع من النظام الحالي.

المنهج الجديد :
ويحتوي المنهج الجديد للشهادة عن مواضيع الجزء الثاني والجزء الثالث من النظام الحالي, بالاضافة الي مواضيع قليلة من الجزء الاول والرابع, بالاضافة الي حذف مواضيع من الجزء الثاني والجزء الثالث من النظام الحالي.

الجزء الأول - Financial Planning, Performance and
( مدة الاختبار : 4 ساعات)
(100 سؤال اختياري من متعدد - 3 ساعات)
(2 سؤال مقال - 1 ساعة - بمعدل 30 دقيقة لكل سؤال)

محتوي الجزء الأول :

Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting (30%)

Performance Management (25%)

Cost Management (25%)

Internal Controls (15%)

Professional Ethics (5%)

الجزء الثاني- Financial Decision Making
( مدة الاختبار : 4 ساعات)
(100 سؤال اختياري من متعدد - 3 ساعات)
(2 سؤال مقال - 1 ساعة - بمعدل 30 دقيقة لكل سؤال)

محتوي الجزء الأول :

Financial Statement Analysis (25%)

Corporate Finance (25%)

Decision Analysis and Risk Management (25%)

Investment Decisions (20%)

Professional Ethics (5%)

وسوف يستمر العمل علي النظام الحالي خلال عام 2010 بالشروط الآتية :
- أن يكون الطالب قد قام بالتسجيل بالمعهد قبل 28 فبراير 2010.
- أن يقوم بالتسجيل للاختبار بالنسبة للجزء 1و2و3 قبل 30 سبتمبر 2010, وبالنسبة للجزء الرابع قبل 14 ديسمبر 2010.

واذا انتهت المدة المحددة حتي 31 ديسمبر 2010 سوف يتم تحويل المسجلين تلقائيا الي النظام الجديد. طبقا للجدول الاتي :
الحاصلين علي الجزء الأول - النظام الحالي : سوف يختبر الجزء 1 و 2 - النظام الجديد
الحاصلين علي الجزء الثاني - النظام الحالي : سوف يختبر الجزء الثاني - النظام الجديد
الحاصلين علي الجزء الثالث - النظام الحالي : سوف يختبر الجزء الأول - النظام الجديد
الحاصلين علي الجزء 1 و 2 - النظام الحالي : سوف يختبر Part T - وهو عبارة عن 4 أسئلة مقال - 2 ساعة - علي الجزء 1 و2 النظام الجديد

المصاريف :
بالنسبة للنظام الحالي :
المصاريف كما هي للنظام الحالي

بالنسبة للنظام الجديد :
العضوية والتسجيل - لا تغيير
الاختبار : 350$ لكل جزء * 2 جزء = 700$
أو 300$ لكل جزء * 2 جزء = 600$ - بشرط التسجيل للاختبارين في فترة واحدة.

مع تمنياتي لكم بالتوفيق
محمود جاد

وكل عام وأنتم بخير - عيد أضحي سعيد

جزاكم الله خيرا

وياريت لو حد يقدر يعرف إمتحانات النطام الجديد - متى تبدأ؟ هل ممكن في يناير وفبراير 2010 أو هى فقط من مايو 2010
وكل عام وأنتم بخير

الشكر الى الجميع على المعلومات المهمة جدا جدا وخاصة للحاصلين عليها أو المستمرين فى دراستها .....

واذا انتهت المدة المحددة حتي 31 ديسمبر 2010 سوف يتم تحويل المسجلين تلقائيا الي النظام الجديد. طبقا للجدول الاتي :

الحاصلين علي الجزء الأول - النظام الحالي : سوف يختبر الجزء 1 و 2 - النظام الجديد
الحاصلين علي الجزء الثاني - النظام الحالي : سوف يختبر الجزء الثاني - النظام الجديد
الحاصلين علي الجزء الثالث - النظام الحالي : سوف يختبر الجزء الأول - النظام الجديد
الحاصلين علي الجزء 1 و 2 - النظام الحالي : سوف يختبر Part T - وهو عبارة عن 4 أسئلة مقال - 2 ساعة - علي الجزء 1 و2 النظام الجديد

دة عبارة عن شوية تصحيحات للجميع فى المعلومات الجدية لكن \اهم حاجة الموقع الخاص بالمعهد....

نجح فى الجزئء الاول فقط Current Exam Parts Passed

Part 1 – Business Analysis (only)

يحتاج اتكمال التالية New Exam Parts Needed
Part 1 – Financial Planning, Performance and Control, and
Part 2 – Financial Decision Making

نجح فى الجزء الثانى Current Exam Parts Passed

Part 2 – Management Accounting and Reporting

يجتاج استكمال هذا الجزء New Exam Parts Needed
Part 2 – Financial Decision Making

نجح فى الجزء الثالث Current Exam Parts Passed

Part 3 – Strategic Management

يحتاج استكمال هذا الجزء New Exam Parts Needed
Part 1 – Financial Planning, Performance and Control

نجح فى الجزء الثالث و الثانى Current Exam Parts Passed

Parts 2 and 3

يحتاج خوض امتحان تكميلى جزء New Exam Parts Needed
“Transition exam” (Part T)

لو حد ناوى يمتحن على النظام الجديد هيبقي أول ميعاد لدخول الإمتحان هو مايو و يونيه 2010
والتسجيل للدخول للإمتحان بدايا" من مارس 2010
وده اللينك اللى جبت منه المعلومة

فعلا قدر الله وماشاء فعل

عامة أخي الكريم طالما تريد الدراسة أعتقد أنه عليك إنهاء البارت الثاني أو الثالث لإنك ستكون مطالب بدخول إمتحان بارت واحد فقط من النظام الجديد.

و الأفضل أن تنتهى بارت 2 ، 3 معا وبالتالي سيكون باقي لديك بارتt
يمكنك ان تنهية حتى 1 مايو 2013

و إليكم أهم النقاط .

New Certified Management Accountant (CMA®) Certification Program
Announcement date: December 1, 2009
New program launch date: May 1, 2010

􀂃 Why did ICMA decide to update the curriculum and change the format of the CMA examination?
Like other leading certification programs, the Institute of Certified Management Accountants (ICMA®) regularly reviews the content of the Certified Management Accountant (CMA®) exams to ensure that current topics are appropriately updated and relevant to business practice. Connectivity of a practical Body of Knowledge to the workplace is important. The organization of the new two-part exam more closely aligns with the knowledge, skills and abilities that an accountant or financial professional in business uses on the job today – financial planning, analysis, control, and decision support. These skills are critical to the success of finance teams. The CMA exam updates will allow an employer to more readily understand the applicability of the CMA to a corporate career path and allow the candidate to more efficiently demonstrate the skills evidenced by the CMA. The goal of the new CMA program is to ensure that the CMA remains the most appropriate designation in the world for accountants and financial professionals working in business.

􀂃 What are the benefits of the new CMA program?

The current CMA program is rigorous and relevant. The new CMA program maintains this relevance and rigor and focuses the content on the critical skills of financial planning, analysis, control, and decision support. It requires a mastery of the critical skills and knowledge involved in planning, analysis, control and decision support and ensures that the CMA certification is attractive to employers. In addition, the new CMA is market-oriented, unique, and differentiated from other certifications and degrees.

􀂃 How did ICMA come to this decision?

The changes to the CMA program are based on extensive market research and the recommendations of a committee that was specifically charged to review the CMA program and the market it serves. The committee included academics, current CMAs, certification experts and business leaders in accounting and finance. The decisions are data-based and market-tested.

􀂃 What are the changes to the CMA Program?

The CMA Exam will focus on financial planning, analysis, control and decision support skills in a newly constructed two-part exam testing format.
The New CMA Program

􀂃 What is the format of the new CMA program?
The new CMA exam format consists of two parts:

Part 1: Financial Planning, Performance and Control
(4 hours – 100 multiple-choice questions and two 30-minute essay questions)
Part 2: Financial Decision Making
(4 hours – 100 multiple-choice questions and two 30-minute essay questions)

􀂃 What is the content of the new exam parts?
Part 1 – Financial Planning, Performance and Control (Levels A, B, and C)
Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting (30%)
Performance Management (25%)
Cost Management (25%)
Internal Controls (15%)
Professional Ethics (5%)

Part 2 – Financial Decision Making (Levels A, B, and C)
Financial Statement Analysis (25%)
Corporate Finance (25%)
Decision Analysis and Risk Management (25%)
Investment Decisions (20%)
Professional Ethics (5%)

􀂃 Do I have to take the exam parts in order?

No, you can take the exam parts in any order.

Entry by Jeffrey Thomson

Hello everyone. It has been about one week now since we made our big announcement on the revised CMA curriculum. The entire IMA/ICMA teams are mobilized to answer the excellent questions we are receiving. We appreciate the candor and respectful discussion - including suggestions on positioning and creating greater awareness - to enable the CMA to reach new heights in the global marketplace! Thank you very much. I wanted to reinforce a few points.

The market research that we conducted leading to the curriculum change was not only with CFOs, but with accounting and financial professionals working on their teams including IMA members. What they told us is that they have a competency gap in planning, analysis, control, and decision support. Whether they have CPAs on their staff is irrelevant, because the CPA exam does not test for these skills in depth nor do undergraduate accounting curricula cover MA topics in much depth. The CMA exam should not be a competitor of the CPA but rather a complement. We test a different body of knowledge. Hiring and salary surveys show that multiple certifications from credible bodies are differentiators in terms of career opportunities and salaries. The evidence is there.

The revised CMA curriculum is more focused and relevant to the needs of today’s finance and accounting teams in the areas of planning, budgeting, analysis, risk management, internal controls and decision support. The last major curriculum change was 6 years ago. The move from 4 parts to 2 parts reflects this updated focus and relevance. Any of the 31,500 individuals who have been awarded the CMA should be proud and assured that we have maintained or even increased the rigor of the new exam which goes very deep on a more focused set of topics:

Risk management and internal controls counts for about 20% on the new exam vs. under 10% on the current exam; 2 – Financial Accounting is now broadened beyond U.S. GAAP to include IFRS and essential differences in revenue recognition, inventory valuation (e.g., LIFO) and more.
More “C” type complex questions are on the new exam, which requires synthesizing and making recommendations.
More foundational pre-requisite knowledge is required to pass the exams, in the areas of economics, statistics, and financial accounting. This is now assumed knowledge going into the exams.
Depending on study habits and style, we estimate about 300 hours of study to pass the new 2-part exam.
Each of the 2 parts contains 2 essay questions, requiring higher order thinking, synthesis, communication and recommendations.
Each of the 2 parts contains 5 separate and distinct topics (a total of 10 competencies or bodies of knowledge tested, logically organized into a 2 part exam).
While maintaining or even increasing the rigor and robustness of the new exam, we believe that the increased relevance and focus for the CFO team will increase the demand for Certified Management Accountants around the world. That is good for our profession, expands our global advocacy voice, and perhaps most importantly, increases individual and organizational competence in protecting investors and in driving greater economic value.


أخباركم ياشباب ياريت حد يقول لي عن مكان دراسة شهادة المحاسب الإداري المعتمد في مصر وشراء الكتب ولو فيه مدرس خاص للشهادة بالنظام الحديث ياريت أي شخص يبعث لي رقم تليفونه أو ايميله


تابعنا ... وان شاء الله هتلاقى كل التحديثات والكتب والدروس طبعا المجانية على المدونة .... احنا بنبذل كل الجهد والله العظيم علشان نفيد الجميع فى المدونة ...

تابعنا ديما على رابط السى ام اية ...


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