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فضائح الجزائر


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مصر تهزم الجزائر وتتأهل لنهائي كأس الأمم الأفريقية

تأهل المنتخب المصري إلى نهائي كأس الأمم الأفريقية بأنجولا بتغلبه على المنتخب الجزائري بأربعة أهداف مقابل لا شئ في المباراة التي جرت مساء الخميس في مدينة بنجولا.

تأهل المنتخب المصرى بشرف وكرامة مش بقلة ادب الجزائرى ...المصرى طول عمرة معروف بجميلة وكرمة واحترامة ...انظر يا جزائريين ماذا فعلتم بأنفسكم ...وانظرو ماذا تقولون لأنفسكم ومازلتم تتبعون الأكاذيب والخدع الغامضة ...والكلام الى ملوش لزمة ..

انظرو الى الصحف الكاذبة التى تتبعونها ومن امثال الصحف الكاذبة الصحيفة الجزائرية (الشروق الجزائرية ) التى تسبب لكم الغموض فى الأخبار والأحداث الكاذبة والاشاعات التى لا تفيد ولا تنفع فقد تزيد من الكراهية ....الحكم الين اخترتموة هو الذى يحكم علىيكم وعلى افعل فريكم .....

والصفحة الأولى فى الصحيفة الجزائرية عنوانها (سيناريو مفضوح) وبها صورة الحكم العادل الذى اخترتموة ليحكم تلك المباراة الصعبة وهو يمسك كارت احمر ليطردكم من اللعب ايها الجزائريين المتعصبيين !!!!!!

مصر تمطر شباك الجزائر برباعية نظيفة وتلاقي غانا في نهائي أمم أفريقيا الأحد

 كشف المنتخب المصري نظيره الجزائري "ممثل العرب الوحيد في المونديال" أمام العالم وأكتفى برباعية نظيفة في مرماهم في نصف نهائي أمم افريقيا، ليصعد الفراعنة لملاقاة المنتخب الغاني في نهائي تاريخي للبطولة.
وتلعب مصر في المباراة النهائية أمام غانا أملا في تحقيق رقما تاريخيا وقياسيا بحصد البطولة للمرة الثالثة على التوالي.
وشهدت المباراة خروج ثلاثة لاعبين من الجزائر مطرودين للعنف، هم على التوالي: رفيق حليش ونذير بلحاج والحارس فوزي شاوشي.
سجل رباعية مصر كلا من حسني عبد ربه من ضربة جزاء ومحمد زيدان ومحمد عبد الشافي ومحمد ناجي جدو في الدقائق 38 و65 و80 و92.
وبات محمد ناجي "جدو" هدافا للبطولة قبل المباراة النهائية برصيد أربعة أهداف.
مصر تسيطر وتتقدم
تقدم المنتخب المصري بهدف نظيف من ضربة جزاء سجله حسني عبدربه أمام الجزائر في الشوط الأول الذي شهد أيضا خروج رفيق حليش مدافع الخضر مطروداً
هدف حسني عبد ربه من ضربة الجزاء
شاهد الفيديو
هدف مصر الأول
البداية كانت عند الخضر، حيث سدد مراد مغني كرة قوية من حوالي 40 ياردة مرت بقليل من فوق عارضة الحضري.
أما الكرة الأولى للفراعنة فكانت عن طريق المحمدي من الناحية اليمنى الذي استغل المساحة الخالية، وأرسل عرضية أرضية مميزة لم تجد أقدام عماد متعب ومحمد زيدان في الدقيقة 4.
وتوغل مجيد بوقرة المدافع الجزائري في الدقيقة 11 وسدد كرة من بعيد مرت بجوار القائم الأيمن لعصام الحضري.
 هدأ نسق الأداء نسبيا بعد الربع ساعة الأولى التي كانت حماسية، وشهدت اندفاع واضح من لاعبي المنتخبين.
هدف زيدان
هدف مصر الثاني
وأضاع عماد متعب هدفا محققا للمنتخب المصري في الدقيقة 25 بعد أن استلم تمريرة مميزة من زيدان وسدد الكرة من على خط الـ 18، لكن الحارس فوزي الشاوشي كان في الموعد وأبعد الكرة ركنية.
ثم أشهر كوفي كودجا حكم اللقاء أول بطاقة صفراء في وجه رفيق حليش المدافع الجزائري في الدقيقة 30 بعد تدخل عنيف مع الحضري.
وأرسل سيد معوض عرضية مميزة في الدقيقة 35 مستغلا انطلاقة جيدة من الناحية اليسرى، لم يلحق بها عماد متعب. 
هدف مصر الثالث لعبد الشافي في الجزائر
هدف عبد الشافي
وعاد متعب وأنطلق في هجمة سريعة، قبل ان يعيقه رفيق حليش ومعها صفارة الحكم محتسباً ضربة جزاء صحيحة لمصر وبطاقة صفراء ثانية لحليش ودع بها ملعب المباراة.
تصدى حسني عبدربه بالتخصص لضربة الجزاء في الدقيقة 38، وسددها بقدمه اليمنى على يسار الشاوشي الذي لم يحرك ساكنا واكتفى بالاعتراض على الحكم.
شوط التلاعب بالجزائريين
وسيطر المنتخب المصري على بداية الشوط الثاني، واجرى حسن شحاتة تبديلا اضطراريا في الدقيقة 52 بالدفع بحسام غالي بدلا من عماد متعب المصاب.
ومن هجمة مرتدة سريعة للمنتخب المصري انطلق سيد معوض في الدقيقة 58 وانفرد بالشاوشي وسدد كرة قوية خرجت ضربة مرمى تحت ضغط المدافع مجيد بوقرة.
هدف مصر الرابع لجدو في الجزائر
شاهد الفيديو
هدف جدو
وانقذ الحضري تسديدة خطيرة من حسن يبده في الدقيقة 61 من ضربة ثابتة، وأبعد الكرة ركنية ببراعة.
وأضاع حسني عبدربه فرصة هدف مؤكد في الدقيقة 64 بعد ان تلاعب الثنائي زيدان ومعوض بالدفاع الجزائري، وسدد الكرة بعيدة.
وبمهارة فائقة، راوغ زيدان مدافعي الجزائر وسدد كرة صاروخية بقدمه اليسرى في الدقيقة 65 بعد تمريرة رائعة من جدو بديل فتح الله، سكنت شباك الحارس شاوشي، وأعلنت أول أهداف مهاجم بروسيا دورتموند في البطولة.
وخرج نذير بلحاج مطرودا من اللقاء في الدقيقة 70 بعد تدخل غير رياضي على أحمد المحمدي، لتكمل الجزائر اللقاء بتسعة لاعبين منذ ذلك الوقت.
العنف الجزائري في الملعب
شاهد الفيديو
حالات الطرد
وانفرد أحمد حسن في الدقيقة 77 بحارس الجزائر، ولكنه سدد كرة في الشباك الخارجية للمرمى، رافضا زيادة غلة الأهداف.
وفي الدقيقة 80 نجح محمد عبد الشافي بديل معوض في تسجيل أول أهدافه الدولية والثالث للمنتخب المصري مستغلا تميرة داخل منطقة الجزاء من محمد زيدان.
وأشهر حكم اللقاء البطاقة الصفراء الثانية في وجه الحارس فوزي شاوشي ليخرج مطرودا بعد تدخل عنيف مع محمد ناجي "جدو".
واختتم جدو أهداف المباراة بعد هجمة رائعة للمنتخب المصري مع نهاية المباراة.

صور من الانتصارات التى حققها الفريق المصرى وصور لفرحة

ا لشعب المصرى 

صحيفة فرنسية : مصر تقترب من تحقيق (إنجاز فرعوني)

ذكرت صحيفة "ويست فرانس" الفرنسية أن مصر تقترب من تحقيق "انجاز فرعوني" فى حال فوزها على غانا فىالمباراة النهائية الاحد المقبل بلواندا وحصولها على بطولة كأس الامم الافريقية للمرة الثالثة على التوالي.
وأكدت الصحيفة - على موقعها الالكتروني صباح الجمعة - أن مصر بفوزاها على الجزائر (4/0)فى اللقاء الذى جمع بينهما مساء أمس ببنجيلا ثأرت من فريق الخضر الذي تأهل على حسابها الى كأس العالم 2010.
وأضافت أن مصر رفعت رصيدها القياسي إلى 18 مباراة متتالية دون هزيمة فى بطولة كأس الامم الافريقية ، مؤكدة بانه إنجاز غير مسبوق.
واختتمت صحيفة "ويست فرانس" الفرنسية بالقول "إن مونديال جنوب افريقيا بالتأكيد سوف يفتقد منتخب الفراعنة".
المصدر: وكالة انباء الشرق الأوسط

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Today's Best and Worst Cities for Jobs


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Last fall, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said the recession was "very likely over" -- at least by the numbers -- and the United States had moved into a period of recovery.
That was September. Most job seekers, especially the 5.9 million long-term unemployed workers who have been out of work for six months or more, are still waiting for that renewal.
The national unemployment rate in October was 9.5 percent, not seasonally adjusted, up from 6.1 percent a year earlier. Fifteen metro areas recorded jobless rates of at least 15 percent, while 13 others registered rates below 5 percent. Overall, 138 areas recorded unemployment rates above the U.S. average, 229 areas reported rates below it, and 5 areas had the same rate, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
But the unemployment rate is a lag indicator. Looking at other BLS figures, there are signs that the economy is healing. Many U.S. metros experienced some -- albeit small -- job growth from the period of July 2009-October 2009 (most recent data available at press time).
According to seasonally adjusted data from the BLS, out of the largest 281 metros in the United States, 77 cities added jobs the July-October 2009 period. Eleven metros saw no change in the number of employed persons; however, another 193 metros saw declines in jobs.
The best...
Of those 77 cities whose employment increased from July-October 2009, here are 19 that saw growth by 1 percent or more.
Merced, Calif.
No. of employed in July: 55,200
No. of employed in October: 56,700
Percent change: +2.7
Morgantown, W.Va.
No. of employed in July: 62,800
No. of employed in October: 64,300
Percent change: +2.4
Dubuque, Iowa
No. of employed in July: 53,200
No. of employed in October: 54,300
Percent change: +2.1
Wilmington, N.C.
No. of employed in July: 138,400
No. of employed in October: 141,300
Percent change: +2.1
Vineland-Millville-Bridgeton, N.J.
No. of employed in July: 60,200
No. of employed in October: 61,400
Percent change: +2
Mansfield, Ohio
No. of employed in July: 53,800
No. of employed in October: 54,900
Percent change: +2
Charlotte-Gastonia-Concord, N.C.-S.C.
No. of employed in July: 798,200
No. of employed in October: 810,500
Percent change: +1.5
Portsmouth, N.H.-Maine
No. of employed in July: 53,900
No. of employed in October: 54,600
Percent change: +1.3
Raleigh-Cary, N.C.
No. of employed in July: 500,400
No. of employed in October: 506,700
Percent change: +1.3
Iowa City, Iowa
No. of employed in July: 91,000
No. of employed in October: 92,100
Percent change: +1.2
Springfield, Ohio
No. of employed in July: 50,400
No. of employed in October: 51,000
Percent change: +1.2
Fresno, Calif.
No. of employed in July: 289,900
No. of employed in October: 293,100
Percent change: +1.1
Santa Barbara-Santa Maria-Goleta, Calif.
No. of employed in July: 167,700
No. of employed in October: 169,600
Percent change: +1.1
Rockford, Ill.
No. of employed in July: 152,00
No. of employed in October: 153,700
Percent change: +1.1
Glens Falls, N.Y.                                   
No. of employed in July: 52,600
No. of employed in October: 53,200
Percent change: +1.1
Athens-Clarke County, Ga.                               
No. of employed in July: 83,700
No. of employed in October: 84.5
Percent change: +1
Waterloo-Cedar Falls, Iowa
No. of employed in July: 87,300
No. of employed in October: 88,200
Percent change: +1
Johnson City, Tenn.
No. of employed in July: 79,000
No. of employed in October: 79,800
Percent change: +1
Spokane, Wash.
No. of employed in July: 210,100
No. of employed in October: 212,200
Percent change: +1
And the worst
There were also 193 metros that experienced declines in jobs from July-October 2009. Here are the 15 that had the greatest losses.
Greenville, N.C.
No. of employed in July: 76,400
No. of employed in October: 74,900
Percent change: -2
Columbus, Ga.-Ala.
No. of employed in July: 120,200
No. of employed in October: 117,700
Percent change: -2.1
Dalton, Ga.
No. of employed in July: 68,000
No. of employed in October: 66,600
Percent change: -2.1
Myrtle Beach-Conway-North Myrtle Beach, S.C.
No. of employed in July: 119,400
No. of employed in October: 116,800
Percent change: -2.2
Lafayette, Ind.
No. of employed in July: 96,700
No. of employed in October: 94,500
Percent change: -2.3
Bellingham, Wash.
No. of employed in July: 82,200
No. of employed in October: 80,300
Percent change: -2.3
Greeley, Colo.
No. of employed in July: 79,700
No. of employed in October: 77,800
Percent change: -2.4
Barnstable Town, Mass.
No. of employed in July: 96,000
No. of employed in October: 93,700
Percent change: -2.4
St. George, Utah
No. of employed in July: 49,600
No. of employed in October: 48,400
Percent change: -2.4
Gainesville, Ga.
No. of employed in July: 75,300
No. of employed in October: 73,400
Percent change: -2.5
Lima, Ohio
No. of employed in July: 53,600
No. of employed in October: 52,200
Percent change: -2.6
Rochester-Dover, N.H.-Maine
No. of employed in July: 58,200
No. of employed in October: 56,400
Percent change: -3.1
Yuma, Ariz.
No. of employed in July: 51,500
No. of employed in October: 49,800
Percent change: -3.3
Missoula, Mont.
No. of employed in July: 55,100
No. of employed in October: 52,800
Percent change: -4.2
Grand Junction, Colo.
No. of employed in July: 64,800
No. of employed in October: 61,400
Percent change: -5.2

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Sleep Routine Makeovers


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Tired? You're not alone. About 20 percent of Americans get fewer than six hours of shut-eye nightly, and a growing number have to rely on sleep aids to fall asleep or stay that way, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Is getting more (and better) sleep possible without the help of drugs? To find out, we asked three Woman's Day staffers to share their nighttime troubles with the experts. Here's what they learned.

Problem #1: "I wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back to sleep." -Marilu Lopez, group creative director
Marilu wakes up almost every night between 3:30 and 4 a.m. and is unable to fall back to sleep. To pass the time and try to make herself sleepy again, she reads The New York Times on her BlackBerry. She eventually falls back to sleep but then wakes up early in the morning and feels exhausted all day.
Advice: Step one is to break the BlackBerry habit, says Joyce Walsleben, RN, PhD, diplomate of the American Board of Sleep Medicine and coauthor of A Woman's Guide to Sleep. The problem is twofold: Not only is reading news articles too stimulating, but the light from the BlackBerry itself can get in the way of the production of hormones that are essential for sleep.
Dr. Walsleben's top tips:
  1. Ban the BlackBerry from the bedroom. Also cover (or remove) clocks so that you're not disturbed by the light from them or tempted to stare at the numbers.
  2. Stay in bed. If you wake up, keep your eyes closed and practice relaxation exercises that will hopefully lull you back to sleep. One to try: Picture yourself outdoors on a beautiful day with a jar of soap and a wand. Imagine that you're slowly blowing bubbles, and follow each one until it's out of sight. Keep blowing bubbles until there's no more soap in the jar.
  3. Relax during the day, too. Take at least three minutes to practice the bubble exercise (or another relaxation technique, such as deep breathing) so that you're not overwhelmed by the worries of the day as soon as your head hits the pillow.
Did it work? "The bubble imagery didn't work for me--I found the concept more annoying than relaxing," says Marilu. "But I have fallen back to sleep a few times by just staying in bed and telling myself, ‘Do not open your eyes. Do not turn on the BlackBerry.'"
Problem #2: "I only get four to five hours of sleep a night." -Abigail L. Cuffey, assistant health editor
Abby's friends call her a vampire because she's such a night owl. She tends to get a second wind around 11:30 p.m. and ends up staying awake until at least 2 a.m. But she also wakes up early in the morning, so the bottom line is she's not getting very much rest. She relies on lots of caffeine to keep her going through the day. On the weekends Abby stays up even later but sleeps in later as well.
Advice: Too much caffeine and inconsistencies between Abby's workweek and weekend sleep schedules are preventing her from getting enough rest, says Michael J. Breus, PhD, a clinical psychologist and board-certified sleep specialist. If she's serious about improving her sleep habits, she needs to ease off the caffeine and stick to a regular schedule.
Dr. Breus' top tips:
  1. Start "caffeine fading." There's no need to abandon coffee entirely--plus, going cold turkey can cause bad headaches. A better idea is to drink most of your caffeinated beverages early in the morning and taper off as the day goes on. If you're currently used to five or six cups of coffee a day, try having one or two cups of drip coffee in the morning, a latte (which has a higher milk-to-coffee ratio) or half-caf coffee midday, and a tea or cola in the afternoon if you're still craving caffeine. But after 4 p.m., no more caffeine!
  2. Set your alarm clock or cell phone to go off 30 minutes before bedtime as a reminder to stop what you're doing and get ready for bed.
  3. Take a hot bath or shower right before bed. This should make you sleepy because your temperature will rise and then dip--and body temperature naturally drops when you get sleepy.
  4. Go to bed and wake up at approximately the same time on weekdays and weekends. (A shift of about an hour is OK.)
Did it work? "The advice was good but hard to stick to because life--the holidays, my birthday, etc.--got in the way," says Abby. "But when I did follow it, it worked really well, especially the hot shower at night. Whenever I took one I felt almost tranquilized once I crawled into bed."
Problem #3: "I have night sweats--but I'm only in my 20s!" -Ayn-Monique Klahre, associate home design editor
During the workweek, Ayn-Monique usually goes to bed around 10:30 p.m., but her husband often reads in the bedroom, so the light disturbs her about 30 minutes later. Once she's awakened, she tosses and turns but eventually falls back to sleep--only to be awakened around 3:30 a.m. feeling cold but scrunched into a little ball and sweating. She's exhausted when her alarm goes off in the morning and often hits the snooze button repeatedly. On the weekends she tends to stay out much later and sleeps soundly once she's finally in bed.
Advice: A medical issue could be responsible for Ayn-Monique's sleep troubles, but Dr. Walsleben suspects that her sleep cycle is simply out of whack because she goes to bed so much later on the weekends than she does during the week and because she's going to bed during the week while her husband is still reading.
Dr. Walsleben's top tips:
  1. Normalize your weekday and weekend sleep routines as much as possible. That might mean going to bed slightly later during the week than you are now, as well as turning in a bit earlier on Friday and Saturday. The goal is to bridge the gap.
  2. Embrace the darkness. Even if you fall asleep with the light on, it probably won't be quality sleep--and it's all too easy to be woken up. If your husband insists on reading in the bedroom after your bedtime, ask him to use a book light or wear an eye mask yourself.
  3. Talk to your doctor. If you practice these lifestyle changes for a few weeks and you're not sleeping any better--and still waking up sweating--see your primary care doctor to make sure an unknown medical problem isn't to blame.
Did it work? "Staying up a little later during the week helped me sleep more soundly, and I've used an eye mask when my husband is reading in bed," says Ayn-Monique. "But I still woke up sweaty on occasion, so I'm not sure this issue has been fully addressed. I'll mention it to my doctor at my next physical just to make sure nothing else is going on."

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New CMA Program ,Gleim review


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Gleim reviewed the changes to take effect May 1, 2010 to the CMA Exam. We compared the current format
to the new format to better assist candidates as they decide what is the best path to take as they pursue the CMA designation.

New CMA Program
On November 24th, the ICMA announced that they will be changing he CMA Exam from a four-part exam to a two-part exam in 2010. Both Part 1 - Financial Planning, Performance and Control and Part 2 - Financial Decision Making will be 4 hours in length (3 hours for 100 multiple-choice questions and 1 hour for 2 essay questions).

Part 1 - Financial Planning, Performance and Control (Levels A, B, and C)
Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting (30%)
Performance Management (25%)
Cost Management (25%)
Internal Controls (15%)
Professional Ethics (5%)

Part 2 - Financial Decision Making (Levels A, B, and C)
Financial Statement Analysis (25%)
Corporate Finance (25%)
Decision Analysis and Risk Management (25%)
Investment Decisions (20%)
Professional Ethics (5%)

According to the Institute of Certified Management Accountants (ICMA), which is the body that prepares the CMA exam, the new two-part exam was reformatted to more closely align with the knowledge, skills, and abilities that a management accountant or financial professional in business uses on the job today. The new exam specifically focuses on testing critical skills in the areas of financial planning, analysis, control, and decision support. Geared towards aiding in the employability and profitability of its certification holders, the new CMA exam will allow employers to more readily understand the applicability of the CMA to a corporate career path and allow the candidate to more efficiently demonstrate the skills evidenced by the CMA in the workplace.
The CMA designation, which continues to be a career-enhancing credential valued and sought by employers, will be updated next spring to align even more closely with the critical knowledge and skills that management accountants and financial professionals use every day.

Topics Removed:
  1. Micro- and Macroeconomics
  2. Comparative Advantage and Trade Barriers
  3. Linear Programming and Critical Path Method
  4. Development of U.S. Accounting Standards
  5. GAAS Audit Reports
  6. Information Technology
  7. Accounting and Reporting under U.S. GAAP
  8. Strategic Analysis of Industries
  9. Strategic Marketing
  10. Organizational Behavior
Topics Added:
  1. COSO and PCAOB influence on internal control
  2. Effects of foreign exchange, off-balance-sheet financing, IFRS, and fair value accounting on financial reporting and ratios
  3. Enterprise risk management
  4. Raising capital
  5. Corporate restructuring
  6. IMA's Statement on Management Accounting, "Values and Ethics: From Inception to Practice"
  7. Corporate Responsibility for Ethical Behavior
In the past, the ICMA described three skill levels and designated which topics would be tested at which levels. The three levels were as follows:

Level A: Requiring the skill levels of knowledge and comprehension.

Level BRequiring the skill levels of knowledge, comprehension, application, and analysis.

Level C: Requiring all six skill levels, knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

Sample Question: I have already started taking the CMA under the current exam, what does this mean for me and do I need to start over?
Answer: Candidates in the current four-part program should continue to prepare for the exams in the current format.
If you do not pass all four examination parts of the current CMA program by the deadline, December 31, 2010, you will automatically be transferred into the new program.
Candidates who are new to the exam and have not begun their exam preparations can still take the four-part exam and attempt to pass Parts 1-3 in January/February and Part 4 in April. You will be finished with the CMA Exam before testing under the new format even begins.
If you will not be able to complete all four parts by the end of 2010 follow the guidelines below:
Current Exam Part(s) Passed
Next Step
Reasons Why
Part 2
Part 2 of new exam
1 exam v. 3 exams
4 hours v. 9 hours of testing
Part 3
Part 1 of new exam
1 exam v. 3 exams
4 hours v. 10 hours of testing
2 and 3 (See Note)
Transition exam - Part T
4 (16) v. 6 (24)
Scenarios (Essays)
2 hours v. 3 hours of testing
Note: Completing Part 1 (Passed or Exempt) of the Current/Unchanged CMA Exam does not count towards any part or credit of any kind on the New CMA Exam. Candidates who have already passed or have been exempt from Part 1 should either complete Parts 2-4 of the Current/Unchanged Exam or choose from one of the other options listed above.
Candidates that have not passed Part 2 or Part 3 of the Current/Unchanged exam by the deadline will need to take both Parts 1 and 2 of the New Exam.
The deadline to complete the new CMA program for those transferring from the current program is February 28, 2013.
Visit the Gleim CMA Candidate Forum (https://www.gleim.com/account/forum/cma/index.php) regularly for updates as they become available.

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