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The story of someone converting to Islam


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Greetings, as a team site,
I am a Canadian parent, I follow Christianity and Christian roots but I converted to Islam since 8 years ... There are many things made me turn to Islam. I am a history professor at the University of Brandon University, there was a trip to Egypt is a country ancient pharaohs, so I went in this round, which lasted 9 days and I walk around in many places, and in the day I went to the Mosque of Fatima. I visited her grave, and learned as one of the sons of the prophet (mohammed). And I saw people sitting around the cemetery read the Koran, I am not in time you do not know what this cemetery,
. As I learned through my experience in the field of history that any place on Earth, people get used to go in the centuries since it is a truly historic place. I liked at that time I found a man in the age of 22 pray at the mosque and had yellow hair and the destination indicates that it is out of the western and speak English. Waited when he had finished praying, and I went to him ... Indeed I found it as I expected, it's Ukraine, and talked with each other. He was of Muslim origin. And explain where a mosque (Fatima) daughter of the Prophet (Muhammad).and then ... He asked me a question struck me,,, Do you want to go to the Prophet Muhammad????

And explain where a mosque (Fatima) daughter of the Prophet (Muhammad). He asked me a question struck me,,, Do you want to go to the Prophet Muhammad???? . In time I do not know anything about Islam and the Messenger of Islam .. He told me it would be a trip, such as your trip to Egypt .. The will is the journey, in the time I told him well, and we exchanged phone numbers and addresses. And more things that I love is to go to places around the world, after about 2 about you called .. (We always contact each other), and welcomed me a lot in Saudi Arabia, and actually went to the Prophet's Mosque and the name (mosque in Medina) and I went to the tomb of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, after going to this place changed my whole life, you want to know more ho messenger (muhammed),, really as they call Muslims (Sadik, Secretary), and I learned a lot about teaching the Islamic religion, and when reading the Book of Allah (Quran) ... , And found many signs already made me turn to the Islamic religion, in the Qur'an (sincerity) says:

say he is Allah, The one and only
Allah the internal, Absolute,
He Begetteth not, nor is he beggotten
And there is none like unto him

... There are many, many of the topics to be discussed

Enter the link to learn more about the Islamic religion and Islamic civilization, as well as Christian






You are free to choose, but I believe in God and the latest Prophet, Muhammad

good luck

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