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Tutorial Sites & Resources


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If you want to get more tutorials and commentary free and methodological steps in the field of web design .. Free Lessons steps in the methodology easy to understand and practice through programs Software

I have many sites that I have collected through web design and graphic design that many of you may find useful. I'll be adding more and more, and feel free to share!

Universal Tutorials (tutorials from graphic to web design)



Pixel 2 Life

Smashing Magazine

Computer Arts Magazine Tutorials

Advanced Photoshop Magazine Tutorials

Layers Magazine Tutorials


Footers - Don't know how to customize them? They don't stick at the bottom? Then look HERE,HEREHERE or HERE.

Web Design Tutorials


Web Designers Magazine Tutorials

FireTuts (fireworks tutorials)

Web Design Library

Flash Perfection

Flash Kit

Nifty Corners

Verlee's Blog

Web Developers Handbook

YUI Grids & CSS

Max CSS Design

Understanding CSS Positioning

Go to and Learn

Set my Browser Size

CSS Super Scrub

CSS3 Tutorials

A List Apart

CSS Positioning is Everything!

Slide Show Pro (Flash)

HTML For Beginners

CSS For beginners

W3 Schools

Streamline Your Process: RSS Feeds, Bookmarks, Frameworks, Design Resources

960 Grid System

CSS Tricks - Backgrounds

Creating Navigations - Rounded Corners - Rounded Corners using CSS & JQuery - 37 Navigation Techniques

Tables? No, Absolute Columns

53 CSS Techniques you can't live without


PEAR PHP Packages





Learning JQuery

PHP Tutorials

More PHP Tutorials - php.net

Killer PHP Tutorials

Good PHP Tutorials

Sitepoint.com - PHP/MySQL Tutorials

Intro to JavaScript

ASP Tutorials - W3 Schools

Tutorialized - ASP Tutorials

ASP for Beginners

ASP - CodeFixer

Other Resources

Colour Lovers

Browser Shots

Kuler Colors

Lorem Ipsum Generator


Website Inspiration/Best Sites/Etc

CSS Zen Garden

CSS Beauty

CSS Vault

CSS Elite

Comments (8)

Building an artist community website
Hi, I've been looking for a solution to build my project, but I haven't quite found one that fits my needs. So far I've only tried MODX and Elgg (I installed them on a test folder and played around to see the results.)

This is what I have:

The Red Realm is a website where I feature underground artists and musicians. It uses Light N Easy CMS. I manually add everything.

This is what I want: Create profiles for the artists/musicians. Musician profiles should be categorized by genre, have an audio player for their songs, a picture, basic info, and links to their other sites. Artist profiles should have the same as Musician except instead of genre category, type of art, and a photo gallery instead of audio player.

I would like a registration system for future artists/musicians that would have to be approved by me, to avoid everyone being able to be featured. (For the artists and musicians that I already have, I would create the profiles myself.)

Artists and musicians should be able to edit their own profiles and upload content, with a set maximum of files.

This is the general idea of what I want to build, it'd be nice if someone could point me in the right direction. I'm not a programmer, but I've managed to edit code to get it to look the way I want it. I just can't write my own code.

My web server has PHP and MYSQL 5+

Hope someone can help. =)

If you want to learn programming language php free .. Free lessons for skilled specialists in the teaching of programming language and a special PHP Programming .


What is codeZenith?
CodeZenith teaches PHP on a 1-2-1 basis delivered on your desktop.

We cover all the important aspects of the language.

Ask questions as we code together.

Start coding PHP websites within hours.

What is PHP?
PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. PHP can connect and query databases providing the end user with a better web experience. PHP is growing, not only in the SME market sector but its gaining ground in the Corporate sector. [more]

Who am I?
I have been working in the industry for 10 years and teaching for 5. When I started to learn PHP I could never find a training medium which met my learning style so once I became familiar with PHP I decided to pass this skill on through helping new developers in a popular web development forum. I am now teaching PHP 1-2-1 via this site using my own designed course which provides you with the basic building blocks of the language. [more]

About the course?
The course can be completed in very little time {about 6 hours} and once complete you will have the knowledge to build dynamic web sites and applications which you can extend on. Think of it as a very good foundation course which provides you with enough knowledge to start building your own projects.

How much?
I teach the first few PHP lessons for FREE but ask that halfway through the course, if you think your getting something from it and appreciate what I'm doing then I ask that you make a donation of £50+.


Distinct sites, especially in the field of design

If you love the colors and you want to design something specific and do not know what colors and the main differences with


Thank you

شكرا على تلك المواقع الرهيبة

Thank you, I've just been looking for info about this topic for ages and yours is the best I have came upon till now. However, what in regards to the conclusion? Are you certain concerning the source?
My website - thinkpad

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