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Internal Control 5 Components


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- Internal Control 5 Components

C   R   I   M   E

Control activities
Risk assessment
Information and communication
Control Environment

1st-Control Environment (E)
Is the foundation for all other components including
-          Integrity , Ethics , People competences
-          Management Philosophy
-          Assigning of Authority & Responsibility
-          Direction by Board of directors
-          HR  - Human Resources Management
-          Policies & Procedures
-          Organization Structure
2nd-Risk Assessment (R)
A risk is anything that endangers the achievement of an objective. management is responsible for the assessment of risk.
The Risk may be - external – Threats – like ( Technology , market , suppliers ..)
-Or internal ( employee robbery , bribes , illegal acts , disruptions in computer systems ..)
-Risk assessment is the process of identifying(quantified), analyzing and managing the risks that have the potential to prevent the organization from achieving its objectives.
- identifying, analyzing risk  
1-Determining the dollar value of assets that are exposed to loss.(severity of loss)
 2-The probability that a loss will occur.(likelihood of occurrence)
The risk assessment forms the basis for determining how the risks will be managed.
- Managing risk
is the ongoing process of designing and operating internal control that mitigate the risk(risk cannot be eliminated).

-         The total risk
                      =  inherent risk × control risk × detection risk
-          Inherent risk: - the risk that related to the nature of the item itself.
-          Control risk: - the risk that the control cannot prevent the occurrence of unwanted event(management override the control or  the collusion among employees. )
-          Detection risk: - the risk that  the control cannot detect the unwanted event .
3rd- Control Activities(C)
Are policies that address the identified risks and procedures that ensure that management directives are carried out and objectives will be achieved . 
Types of control

To avoid the occurrence of an unwanted events

Like segregation of duties, training, maintenance, authorization, job rotation

To ensure the occurrence of a desirable events.(all members of the IAA must be CIA's)

To detect the occurrence of an unwanted events after it occurred
Like Bank reconciliation , variance analysis.
The procedures put in place to correct occurrence of an undesirable event discovered by detective controls  and minimize future occurrences of the problem .
To compensate for weakness  elsewhere .

Preventing are the most cost effective controls and detective are the most expensive controls

AICPA classifies Control activities that may be relevant to an audit as follows

P  I  P  S

Performance reviews
Information processing
Physical controls
Segregation of duties

Performance reviews include the comparison of actual performance to budgets,
forecasts, and prior period performance.
Information processing includes controls performed to check the accuracy,
completeness, and authorization of transactions.
Physical controls encompass the physical security of assets. They include adequate safeguards over access to assets and records, authorization for access to computer programs and data files, and periodic counting and comparison with amounts shown on control records.

Segregation of duties

Objective :       No employee is in a position to both perpetrate and conceal irregularities

Different people must perform these functions

Or initialization of a transaction

And maintaining journals
Or Physical keeping of an assets
of  physical assets to a recorded amount

Segregation does not guarantee that fraud will not occur  (only reasonable assurance )
because Two or more employees could collude with one another to commit fraud and covering for one another .
Collusion occurs when two or more individuals work together to overcome the internal control system and perpetrate a fraud. When two or more people work together, they are able to get around the segregation of duties that may have been set out.

- Segregation of duties Examples

Controller  :(رئيس حسابات)  performing the accounting function
Treasurer:-  (امين خزينة ،مدير مالي ) performing custodianship (حفظ) function
Clerk :-(كاتب الحسابات ) performing the accounting function

 Purchases and spending cycle
 Personnel and payroll cycle
 Production and conversion cycle
 Investing and finance cycle

Purchase / payable cycle

Authority to execute transactions
Custody of asset
-vested in purchasing dep. Not the treasurer for example
- recording done by accounts payable, not purchasing dep.
Vested in the warehouse.
Performed by inventory control not the warehouse

Payroll cycle

Authority to execute
Custody of asset
-vested in the human resources dep. which authorizes the hiring and termination of employees and their rates.
Done by the Payroll department.
Vested in the treasurer.
Performed by  the general ledger accounting group.

Sales / Receivable cycle

Vested in the sales dep. . Not the treasurer for example
- recording done by accounts receivables, not sales dep.
Custody of the merchandise(vested in the warehouse)
Custody of cash(vested in the treasurer)
Performed by  the general ledger accounting group not the treasurer or warehouse

4rth – Information & Communications

Reports must contain the information that management needs – and in a timely manner – and communicated in a manner that enables people to carry out their tasks

Communications must be ongoing , between different levels and forward and backward – ensuring proper feedback

Both internal & external information must be available – responsibilities reported downward – and employee must alert management to potential problems    

5th – Monitoring

Management must assess quality of internal control system performance over time
Management must also revisit problems to make sure that it is corrected

Monitoring is either ongoing monitoring – regularly -  ( during normal operation ) or separate evaluation ( with the assistant of internal auditor )

- Responsibilities

Internal Control is board and management responsibility
The internal Auditor only evaluate effectiveness of the internal control system

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