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Production Cost in the Long Run


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Production Cost in the Long Run  
In Economics, the long run is not some future date, but rather it is defined as an extended period of time in which all of the costs of production are variable. This means that in the long run, all costs are variable costs. The length of time that is considered to be long term will be different for different companies, depending on their inputs and costs.
1 -Economies of scale are the conditions that occur when average costs of production tend to decline as firms expand their-output. As output increase the MC decrease and ATC will also decrease
 Holding input prices constant, during the period of economies of scale each successive unit of production was cheaper to produce than the previous unit.
-Increasing returns to scale when the level of output changes by more than the level of the increase of the firm's inputs. In this situation the firm 's costs will increase by a smaller percentage than its output ,so the average cost of production falls.
-Economies of scale occur when the firm becomes more efficient as a result of experience, such as:
specialization, Better management, More efficient use of a plant's equipment, or Better use of by-products.
2-Diseconomies of Scale are the conditions that occur when average costs of production tend to rise as firms expand their-output. As output increase the Mc increase  ATC will also increase . Because it is difficult of managing large scale.
decreasing returns to scale When the increase in production output is less than the amount of the increase in inputs. In this case the firm's costs increase by a larger percentage than its outputs, so its average cost of production rises.
This usually results from the difficulties involved in managing a large-scale enterprise, from' reaching full capacity and having to pay overtime labor rates, or needing to incur additional fixed costs such as an additional facility.

A firm can also experience constant returns to scale when output changes by the same percentage as the input factors.
Summery :-
  1. Increasing Return to scale: Ratio of output > Ratio of input
  2. Decreasing Return to scale: Ratio of output < Ratio of input
  3. Constant Return to scale: Ratio of output = Ratio of input

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