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There are thousands of people being abused by the West, particularly America (facebook)


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I hope from the Department of  Facebook profile .. Reply on the letter that did wrong to no apparent reason .... and ill to Muslims ... Why all of this ..... I even now can not find a single justification for that message , I can not do anything I did not want or abused ..... But why this all came to him from a friend who has obtained through your site .... if they do not want the friendship, it is easy to cancel the friendship .... But why abuse .... I even now I do not know why this terrible accusation ..... I checked all the messages to my own, and all the steps that I did it .... I do not find justification for such a letter, horrible. I am most of my communication the American Chambers of Commerce in Egypt and America ... And got a membership from the U.S. Institute of Chartered Accountants (IMA). I was going to study in American universities .... but this will make me turn to Russia or Canadian universities .... because those people respect me, the people there are crime rates, such as the United States ... .. I am since I was born until now I hear that Canada is a developed country and not by crimes such as the United States ..... Is this true... I own My Account on Facebook since 2006 ... Until now I did not get the insult that it was .... I do not want that message to infuriate the reader ... and I will not do anything ... but this message would prefer to hold in my mind forever..I know that a great social site Facebook ... And friendly too much pressure ... but really this anger I want to introduce you ... Thank you for good service ... greetings to the working group.

There are thousands of people being abused by the West, particularly America (facebook)

Comment (1)

Muslims do not really Irieden, but only love and cooperation, not to defame religions ..... Look what did Aldenemark insulting to the Prophet (Muhammad), it does not fit Bamuslimon around the world, who number more than a billion and half Muslims around the world ...... And the number is increasing

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