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كورسات فى المركز الثقافى الروسى فى شارع التخرير


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تعرف على المركز الثقافى الروسى فى شارع التحرير...

يعتبر هذا المركز من المراكز القوية جدا جدا فى الجرافيك وشهادة (أى سى دى ال) .. ينضم الى هذا الركز النخبة من الأساتذة الذين لديهم خبرة كبيرة جدا جدا فى الكمبيوتر والتدريس عامة ...

معظم أجهزة التدريب أجهزة (أبل) وهذا ما يميز المركز عن أى مكان فى القاهرة أو الجيزة من مراكز التدريب فى مصر ..أذ يعتبر من أفضل المراكز التى تستخدم تلك الأجهزة ...

متخصص هذا المركز فى تعليم فنون الجرافيك ... وهناك العديد من ورش العمل المتميزة...أسعارة معقولة ليست باهظة الغلاء...

Our Mission

Is to provide fully professional courses for Egyptian students with cheaper prices, certified qualified instructors, We teach our courses by Arabic/English/Russian languages by using the latest software and hardware.

Our Vision 

We concentrate mainly in the requirement of the Job market And the latest Software and tools., Helping Our student to have the best job opportunity by preparing them for it .

Why Us?

We provide a focused educational experience that delivers exactly what people need to know based on job responsibilities and skill levels in Egypt.

Learning Is A Snap.

Why? Because our philosophy is different from most computer training organizations. We don't believe in "watch me do this" training. We don't spend countless hours taking students step-by-step through voluminous manuals. And we rarely use overhead projectors. Too boring. 

At the Russian Computer Education Center, we believe in active learning. We make every minute of training relevant to the student. Classes are small. Training is interactive. Instructors bring real-world experience to the classroom, using fine-tuned methods and curriculums, everyday language, even humor, to help students cut through techno-jargon and get a full hands-on experience. As a result, our classes click right along; students learn faster and retain more


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