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تعلم Internal control


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Internal control  objectives

1-Effectiveness & efficiency of operation
2-Reliability of financial reporting
3-Compliance with laws & regulations
4-Safeguarding Assets

Internal control 5 components            CRIME

1- Environment           2-Risk              3-Activities                 4-Monitoring
5-Information & communications

Classifications of system controls

General Controls
Application Controls
1-Organization & Operation
2-Procedures & Documentation
3-Hardware control
4-Access control
1-Input Controls
2-Processing Controls
3-Output Controls
4-Storage Controls

1st     General Controls
General control designed to ensure that the company's control environment is stable and well managed. General controls include controls over the development, modifications  and  maintenance of computer programs.
1-Organization & Operation
Including Segregation of duties within computer Department and from other Dept's as follows

System Analyst
Responsible for reviewing the current system to make sure that it is meeting the needs of the organization.
Review current system and Provide design specification to programmer.
Should not do programming, nor should they have access to hardware ,software or data files.

Write , test , document the system .he is able to modify programs ,data files ,and control.
He should have No access for HW , SW that are in the actual use for processing .

Computer Operator
Operate computer to process data
He should have No programming function and should not be able to program.
Exam Note /:-   The most critical segregation of duties is between programmer & computer operators

Data control group
Monitor input , process , output
Have access codes & coordinate security controls with other computer personnel.
Should be organizationally independent of computer operations.

Maintain programs , documents , data files
He should have no access to equipment .

2-Procedures & Documentations  
including written procedures and manuals. And also specify the process to be followed in system development and system changes, in order to provide reasonable assurance that development of, and changes to, computer programs are authorized, tested, and approved prior to the use of the program.
A-SDLC System Development Life Cycle Controls
1-Top management commitment is needed for effective system development , this is normally achieved through forming a ( steering committee ) for approvals and progress review
2- Studies of Economic , Operation , & Technical feasibility  to evaluate existing and proposed system
3- Establishing standards for (System design and programming) stage – to match users needs 
4-Changes controls
       Changes should be subject to strict controls :           
    Authorized written request from the user department and approved
           Redesign the program using working copy ( not the original in use )
           Tested by ( user , internal auditor , IT rep )
     Approval by system manager + acceptance by user .
5-The proposed program should be tested using  ( incorrect , incomplete ) and real data to determine the proper implementation
6-Software licenses should be maintained

B-Documents Controls
-Systems documentation (narrative description, flowcharts, Input &output forms     ,authorizations for any changes and backup procedures)
- programs documentation( description of the program, program flowcharts, listings of source code, operator instructions and controls.)
     -operating documentation((information about the performance of the program)
     - Procedural documentation(provide information about the master plan and the handling of files)  
    -user documentation (all the information a user will need to use the program)

3-Access controls(to equipment and data)
A-Logical security
                                          Control access to equipment and data
                                          Including virus protection , firewalls , encryption 
B-Physical security
For servers , , secured rooms , UPS , protection of media library , insurance , personal badges , keys , magnetic ID cards
-File Security controls:
-External and internal file , disk , tape labeling
-Read only file attribute
-Data Base System uses (lockout ) to prevent ( deadly embrace )
  Or ( preventing two applications from updating the same record at same time )
Note: A deadly embrace occurs when two different applications or transactions each have a lock on data that is needed by the other application or transaction. Neither process is able to proceed, because each is waiting for the other to do something. In these cases the system must have a method of determining which transaction goes first, and then it must let the second transaction be completed using the updated information after the first transaction

-The librarian's function is particularly critical, because documentation, programs and     data files are assets of the organization and require protection the same as any other asset would.
- Backup & contingency
In any computer system, it is essential that the company have plans for the backup of data and the recovery of data, especially disaster recovery. Several different processes and back-up plans function as part of the back up and recovery plan.

1-Primary  ( Backup )
►For programs and data
Using ( rollback ) to get most recent backup of transaction log
 ► Backups should be stored at a secure, remote location, so that in the event data is destroyed due to a physical disaster, it can be reconstructed. Transmitting data electronically to a secured backup site is called ( electronic vaulting )
►( Grand / Parent / Child ) during or after processing work. Files from previous  periods are retained, and if a file is damaged during updating  the previous files can be used to reconstruct a new current file
-UPS (uninterruptible power supply )
   For protection in the event of power failure
2-Secondary ( Disaster recovery)
an organization should have a formal disaster recovery plan specifies:
Which employees will participate in disaster recovery and what their responsibilities will be ,What hardware, software, and facilities will be used. The priority of applications that should be processed.
The different locations should be a good distance away from the original processing site. and recovery team should each keep a current copy of the plan at home.
Disaster recovery sites may be either
-A hot site: is a backup facility that has a computer system similar to the one used regularly. The hot site must be fully operational and immediately available.
- A cold site is a facility where power and space are available to install processing equipment, but it is not immediately available.
A mobile recovery" centers. On a contracted basis, in the event of a disaster that destroys operations facilities, they arrive within hours with their client's platform requirements, to assist in recovery.
4- Hardware control
 Fault tolerant system
Fault-Tolerant Systems are systems designed to tolerate faults or errors. They often
utilize redundancy in hardware design, so that if one system fails, another one will take over. Computer networks can be made redundant in several ways:

-With two processors, the second processor can serve as a watchdog processor. If
something happens to the primary processor, the watchdog processor takes over.
-With multiple processors, consensus-based protocols specify that if one processor disagrees with the others, it should be ignored.
-A CPU could have two disks, and all data on the first disk is mirrored on the second disk. This is called disk mirroring or disk shadowing. Should one disk fail, the processing continues on the good disk.

 Rollback processing may be used to prevent any transactions being written to disk
until they are complete. If there is a power failure or another fault during processing,
the program automatically rolls itself back to its pre-fault state at its first opportunity.
Duplicate circuitry is the double wiring of key hardware elements to ensure that if one program malfunctions, the other will take over.
A redundancy check is the process of sending repeated sets of data to confirm the
original data sent.
An echo check is the process of sending the received data back to the sending computer to compare what was actually sent to make sure that it is the same.
In a dual read check, data is read twice during input and compared.
Boundary protection is protection against unauthorized entry (read or write) to a
tape, disk or other storage device.

Graceful degradation means that if a part of the system malfunctions, other components can be programmed to continue the processing, although on a less efficient basis.
Overflow check means that the data is checked and an error message activated if
data is lost through arithmetic operations that exceed the planned capacity of the
receiving fields or registers.

D – HW controls for networks
Check point:-
      ( like rollback & recovery )
To enable recovery in case of failure using check point , taking backups several times per hour , this is recorded in a separate media

Routing verification procedures:-
Protect against routing to wrong receiver, using header label to identify message destination (for verification), through matching the destination code and the message header
Message Acknowledgement
To assure message completion and sequence , using trailer labels ( to assure receiving all parts of message )  
Exam note:- Both above 2 techniques – route verification , message acknowledgement – are used to prevent   Eavesdropping

2nd Applications controls

A – Input controls
1-Data observation & recording
Feedback mechanism Are manual systems like ( authorization , endorsement …..
Dual observation  More than one employee sees the input
Point of sale device To encode data automatically ( with no error )
Preprinted forms To ensure filling all data –ex ( confirmation & receipt )

2-Data transcription
Is preparation of data for processing ( organizing source documents )
Preformatted input screen ex : date filed -/ - /-
Format check ( for entering data at proper mode ) exLnumeric data in a numeric field)
1-      Edit tests  ( built in programs )
Too many tests to check validity / completeness / accuracy as follows

Completeness check                      All required fields are filled
Limits Check                                 Only data within limit accepted
Validity check                               Match input with acceptable sets
Overflow check                            No of digits is below field capacity
Check digits                                  Is a function of other digits – to recognize errors
Key verifications                           inputting again – mainly for accuracy

B ) Processing controls

1-    Data access controls
Transmittal documents to control movement of data like batch sequence numbers ( used to number data to make sure all batches are accounted for )
Batch controls totals to ensure that all inputs are processed correctly
Hash total   A kind of sums , useful only for control purposes , like summing customer accounts numbers.
Record Count Counting number of transaction twice.

2-    Data manipulation controls
Software documentation like all kind of flow charts
Compilers              used to check program language errors
Test data   to test computer programs
System test to test interaction of different program
Batch balancing   Compare with predetermined control total
Run to run totals output of one process used as input to other process
Default option Auto use of predefined value where certain value is left blank

C-Output controls
used to check that input and processing has resulted in valid output.
 1-Validating processing results
Proof listings for all changes to master file This provides detailed information about all changes to master files .
Reconciliations     Analysis of differences between 2 files that should be substantially the same.
Suspense Account is used as a control total for items awaiting further processing.
Discrepancy report is a listing of items that have violated some detective control and need to be investigated.
Upstream resubmission is a Submitting corrected errors again to pass by all controls

2-Printing output controls
Forms control like physical controls over checks – prenumbered forms
Authorized distribution list (for reports distribution)
Shredding Machine (when doc. No longer needed)

D-Storage controls
Are controls that are designed to ensure that only the data that an organization desires to be stored is actually stored – as storing too little data is ineffective and storing too much data is inefficient
Also to ensure that data stored is accurate , valid & virus free 

Preventive controls like segregation of duties , dual access controls , preformatted inputs ,
Detective controls like transmittal documents , batch control totals , check digit , limit check , validity check , completeness check , hash totals , turnaround documents
Corrective controls like discrepancy reports , upstream resubmission

Internet Security
 At a minimum the system should include
1- User Account   giving every employee account no. and password
2- Anti virus

Trojan horse
Program that execute itself
And replicate itself
Using host file
Hidden in something desirable
Do not replicate itself
Replicate itself but without using host file

Virus Hoax            false email asking you to delete system file

3-      Firewall  Barrier between internal & external network  Prevent unauthorized access.
It provide protection if the hackers attempt to misuse the data.

    Proxy server  is HW + SW that creates gateway to and from Internet
4-      Intrusion detection system  is a centralized system designed to prevent hackers from penetrating the network .
5-      Password: protect system from unauthorized person to enter the network
6-      Encryption Convert data to code , then requires a key to convert back to data
    Two types            Secret key system
                                Public key / private key

The major types. of software encryption


  Public-key /private -key                                                                                    secret-key
use two keys as follow :-                                                            use one key for each pair of parties.
. Public-key widely known                                                       ex: data encryption standards (DES)
. Private-key kept secret by recipient.                                     is the most prevalent secret key method             
                                                                                                       that developed by the US government.

. Flowcharting
One of the methods available to an internal auditor for documenting his understanding of the company's internal controls is describing them by means of a flowchart. A flowchart also enables the auditor to identify areas in which internal controls are required and necessary for the company.
A flowchart is used not only to understand and describe a firm's internal controls, but also to assess the effectiveness of those internal controls.
The main elements that are shown in a flowchart are:
Data sources (where the information comes from);
Data destinations (where the information goes);
Data flows (how the data gets there);
Transformation process (what happens to the data); and
Data storage (how the data is stored for the long term)
There are two main types of flowcharts.
1)A systems, or horizontal flowchart,
shows the different departments or functions involved in a process, horizontally .It documents the manual processes as well as the computer processes and the input, output and processing steps.
2)A program, or vertical flowchart:
 depicts the specific steps in a process and how they will be executed. It does not, however, usually show the system components as clearly as a horizontal flowchart. This type of flowchart is not used much now.

A data flow diagram is a graphic illustration (symbolic) of a system's processes and data flows.-

Computers have made the process of initially creating a flowchart and updating a flowchart much easier. Because of this, you do not need to be familiar with the drawing of or the symbols used in a flowchart.

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